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Create The Perfect Marketing Plan!

Create The Perfect Marketing Plan!

InBranding, Business, Mindset Posted onDec 30, 2022

Has this ever happened to you?

It’s the 10 December 2017, I am about to drift off to sleep, and my mind begins to race, just like that, out of the blue. Everything I should have done and promised to do flooded in like a never-ending torrent.

I remember telling myself that this is not the time or place and rolled over to try and sleep, but this only seemed to make the palpitations beating like a bass drum get worse.


I am literally overwhelmed by this uncontrollable feeling of regret and lamenting on a list of shoulda-coulda-woulders.

Having just spent 30mins remembering my ex and the toxic relationship that had finally come to an end. I am now beating myself up for ending up in that situation in the first place. I wrestle with my thoughts to try and make them stop, but now my mind is fixated on my business:

How come I can not make the dam thing work? How do I get traction for my business? Why does no one engage with my content? Why is it so difficult to make just 5 sales a month? Am I that bad? I am now convincing myself that it is time to focus on something else. Coaching is not for me.

In a desperate attempt to stop this spiral, I began actively thinking about what I had achieved. I tell myself that it is ok, that I am not much further forward; it is meant to be this way, everything happens for a reason, and this seems to soothe me for a moment. Exhausted and stressed, I feel myself start to sink into sleep. For F*** sake, it starts back up again. I throw the covers off and abort mission.

How To Do Things Differently!

Sat on the maroon L-shaped couch, I grab a notebook and pen and start writing. I decide to make a plan of what I am going to do differently starting tomorrow.

Once finished, I re-read what was written and feel my mind starts to slow, the feeling of suffocation starts to ease and sleep feels like a possible task with a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe you have experienced a version of this too. You may be experiencing this right now. You may have adopted several coping strategies to stop you from plummeting into your dark hole.

If this is the case, my question to you is, as the year ends, what are you planning to do differently?

Stop Doing This It Doesn’t Work!

❌ Are you posting content here or there, hoping that someone reaches out saying they need your help, even though it rarely happens, and it is the same people engaging with your content. Friends and family that don’t need your services.

❌ Maybe you are at a loose end and know that you need help but don’t know where to get it?

❌ Perhaps you have made a vow, you are not going to join any more programs, as the last couple did not work. As a result, you are desperately trying to figure it all out on your own. However, all this has resulted in is procrastination and overwhelm or lots of failed action.

❌ Perhaps you have told yourself that you will get this year out of the way and then start being more consistent. Because you feel your lack of consistency is the reason why your business has not grown. However, you have failed to look at why you are not consistent in the first place.

❌ Are you currently in a program that’s not working, but you have convinced yourself that you can only join another program once you get results from that one? Even though the program is clearly not right for you and you are not getting the results you want, and it is very unlikely that you will.

Whatever the reason is, I think you would agree that the key to achieving what you want in 2023 is not to continue doing the same thing and hoping to get a different result.

The Solution

If you want 2023 to indeed be your year, instead of setting pointless resolutions that never stick, focus on where your blindspots are. Now, this is where we are most likely to get stuck. So often, we are too close to the problem to see what is going on, regardless of how much we know.

Free Help!

This is why for the next 7 days, I am gifting my 1-1 Business Accelerator Bootcamp worth £999 for FREE for 5 coaches click here to book your spot

During your 1-1 Bootcamp, you will get a 30-minute diagnostic call with me for free.

  • A customised strategy to grow your business to 10/20k per month. (that right no one size fits all here)
  • A personalised question-and-answer session to help end your confusion.
  • A free recording of the session and strategy we create
  • And a free traning to help you implement your strategy in 90 days
  • And access to a private Facebook group where you can ask any questions you may have.

On this call, I will help you to pinpoint precisely what is going wrong in your business and help you to figure out a strategy to fix it.

This free Bootcamp is NOT for everyone. It is for:

  1. ⁣⁣Coaches/aspiring coaches ready to replace their day job income and finally go full-time.
  2. Coaches looking to scale their business from below 3k per month to 10k/20k+ ASAP – without using complicated funnels, unpredictable webinars or having to spend a penny on ads.⁣⁣
  3. You if you are determined that you are going to make a success of your business in 2023 & want a clear, concise strategy that works to do it.

To qualify:

1) Click the link below.
2) Book your space in the diary.
3) Fill out the short questionnaire.

You need a relatively clear idea of who your ideal audience is or who you enjoy helping the most. You must consider yourself an expert in what you do. You must also have a genuine desire to make a difference in the world with your service and a willingness to help as many of your tribe as possible.
It is also designed for those who have been on courses before but did not get the desired result. Having spent over 50k myself on programs, there are two common reasons someone fails: poor mindset or the wrong level of support. This 1-1 Bootcamp is bespoke and designed to give you the perfect amount of support to build a plan that is perfect for you.

click here to book your spot & see if you qualify!

⁣⁣⁣Once those spots are filled, The offer will be closed!
Let’s bless more people together. ⁣⁣

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