Blog > 5 Powerful Tips To Build Your Business Or Brand On Social Media.

5 Powerful Tips To Build Your Business Or Brand On Social Media.

5 Powerful Tips To Build Your Business Or Brand On Social Media.

InBusiness, Social Media Posted onNov 30, 2019

Social media has transformed the world as we know it today and that principle rings true for business. Whilst it’s never been easier to reach your target audience, mastering the art of social media is an art in itself. From networking with influencers to establishing brand trust, it’s not as simple as posting a photo and watching the likes roll in.

Plus, with social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook using advanced algorithms that control how many people interact with your content, it’s a tricky one to master.

However, once you have, the benefits are well worth the effort. That’s why today we’re exploring 5 powerful tips to help you start or build your business or brand.

So, let’s dive in! 

1. Create A Personal Connection

One of the clear draw cards for social media is the opportunity it provides brands to communicate directly with their target audience. This in turn allows creative entrepreneurs to create authentic, personal connections with their customers that they once couldn’t.

As HootSuite effectively explains, “The ability to create real human connection is one of the key benefits of social media for business. We call these Meaningful Relationship Moments. Introduce your followers to yourself and the people who create the magic behind the scenes and showcase how existing customers are using and benefiting from your products” (2018).

2. Become Your Own Brand

Within the digital age that we’re now a part of, consumers are increasingly looking, and also expecting, for brands to have a positive online presence. Without a doubt, a brand’s social media platforms’ are one of the first places customers head to assess whether you’re someone they can put their trust in.

From your Instagram feed to your following on Facebook or TikTok, your ability to build your brand is largely influenced by the way in which you interact with and use social media. With the right captions, a following that reflects your brand values and content that is in line with your ethos, you’re heading in the right direction.

What’s exciting is recognising that social media now allows you to be your very own brand. What once wasn’t possible has now been made achievable thanks to platforms such as Instagram & LinkedIn. However, it’s fundamental to ensure the brand you create is valuable.

Whilst it may be tempting to post a pretty photo for the sake of it, the bottom line is that if the content doesn’t show customers something they don’t already know or offer them some form of value, they’re not likely to engage, quality is key!

3. Generate Real Leads

If you’re looking to land sales and generate real leads that convert, then social media is a sure way to do so. Whilst there once was a time when businesses and their marketing strategy relied on complicated approaches, social media has revolutionised the way brands can increase their revenue.

For example, a skincare company looking to promote its new all-natural sunscreen can pair up with a toxin-free influencer, offer a discount code based on the launch of a new product and watch the sales flow in.

Rather than having to make direct contact with customers through a variety of avenues such as storefronts, markets and in-person marketing, social media has offered brands a far easier and more effective way to reach a global audience within minutes.

4. Partner With Influencers Or Do Joint Ventures To Boost Sales

The power and reach that social media influencers’ or joint ventures (where you team up with a brand, company or individual in a similar industry as you who has a large audience) can have on your business shouldn’t be underestimated. Influencers/joint ventures not only have the potential to share your message with a global market within minutes but they also can directly increase your sales in real time.

As research reveals, “If we want an audience to really understand us, our work, our values, or our products, then collaborations with YouTube creators are 4X more effective at driving lift in brand familiarity than those with celebrities” (2017).

5. Join The Brand You To Success Academy For FREE


If you are anxious about starting or growing your business and brand, then the NxSpot Academy is here to help.


  • The best way to set up or grow an “expert” or “advice” sharing business so it can first scale into 6-figs and then ultimately into 7-figs.
  • ​​How to set your marketing on autopilot to attract clients “On Demand” to learn from you, hire you, buy your product or services or do business with you in less than 24hrs.
  • ​How to combine your passions, talents, and unique personality traits into a magnetic brand package that will help you or your business to STAND OUT and attract more followers, customers or clients.
  • ​​How to take a stranger to premium-paying client as quickly as possible without having to lower your price.
  • How to considerably reduce the amount of wasted time you’re spending on social media so you can earn more and work less.


Simply click to GRAB YOUR FREE GIFT & find out how you can claim 90% off our Branding And Business Academy, offer ends soon!

The Verdict

As leaders within the digital space, Nxspot is a dynamic and inclusive company that understands how to stand out online. With a holistic approach to everything we do, we believe work should be as enjoyable as it is rewarding. Offering a wealth of interactive activities, we bring a fun and fabulous approach to the work we do.

So, if you’re looking to build your own brand with social media but don’t know how to do so, Nxspot has you covered.  Whether you’re a small start up, an entrepreneur or an individual looking to build your brand, we have all the know-how you need to build the social media presence you’ve always dreamed of, no matter how big or small.

Happy CC-Branding 🙏🏽

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